The 12 Most Expensive Cat Breeds

6-The Bengal cat:

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The Bengal cat is a domestic cat breed that has been bred to appear like ocelots and tigers, but without the threat and temperament of wild cats. This breed can be seen as one of the most expensive in-house cat breeds and can cost up to $25,000. The development of this breed was accidental as it was a result of Asian tiger cats being bred with domestic cats. This was done primarily in order to study the potential immunity against feline leukemia of this particular strain. Consequently, their appearance demonstrates traits from both species – resembling that of wild cats – but with the temperament of domestic cats; making them ideal for households wishing to have a pet that looks like a wild animal, but has none of its hazardous behavior.

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5-Allerca Hypoallergenic Cat:

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The name of this cat may be a bit unusual, but they are actually very similar to most other cats. Their unique name is the result of careful genetic research on felines, conducted by scientists who wanted to create a cat that would reduce human allergy risks. By disabling the gene that triggers many allergies, these cats offer people with sensitivities the opportunity to truly enjoy the company of a furry feline in their home. This special breed is the perfect choice for those seeking a low-allergy pet experience.

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4-Khao Manee: $7,000-$11,000:

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The Diamond Eye Cat is one of the best kept secrets of Thai people, and it has a fascinating history that dates back hundreds of years. This beautiful cat is across from a regular house cat in several ways, beginning with its luxurious snow-white fur and a set of bright eyes that can take almost any color – from blue to gold to orange. The most peculiar characteristic, however, is their distinctive diamond-shaped tomcat eye markings that give these cats their name. Due to their non-domesticated state, Diamond Eye Cats has become quite rare and mysterious over time, making them even more sought after by admirers who want to learn more about them.

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