
100% plant-based financial …
I presented you a short time ago, the recipe for a chickpea salad. It was also unanimous, thank you all for your very positive feedback.
Most of the time I use canned chickpeas, so to avoid throwing out the juice, I always keep it in a small tin cool in case I have a little baking craving.
To change from the traditional chocolate mousse with chickpea juice, I looked for a recipe that also used stiff eggs as the main ingredients.
So I came across the financial recipe that I tried to readjust in my own way. As I can hardly do without chocolate, I also added a few chips on at least half of them.
Here is the recipe:
Preheat the oven to 180 °
Place the flour and crushed almonds (or almond powder) in a bowl and mix.
Put the chickpea juice with the salt in another bowl.
Using an electric (or manual) whisk, whisk the chickpea juice in an aquafaba.
Whisk until you get a smooth texture.
Add the icing sugar in rain while continuing to whisk.
It’s ready when the juice is consistent and fits in the bowl turned upside down.
Gradually incorporate with a marise or a spatula, the flour / almond mixture
Then place the preparation in the financier mold.
Add a few chocolate chips on top (optional)
Place in the oven for 20 minutes.
they are ready when they start to brown on top.
Preheat the oven to 180 °
Place the flour and crushed almonds (or almond powder) in a bowl and mix.
Put the chickpea juice with the salt in another bowl.
Using an electric (or manual) whisk, whisk the chickpea juice in an aquafaba.
Whisk until you get a smooth texture.
Add the icing sugar in rain while continuing to whisk.
It’s ready when the juice is consistent and fits in the bowl turned upside down.
Gradually incorporate with a marise or a spatula, the flour / almond mixture
Then place the preparation in the financier mold.
Add a few chocolate chips on top (optional)
Place in the oven for 20 minutes.
they are ready when they start to brown on top.

To stay healthy, I prepared a spinach-based detox juice. So it may not be very inviting to think that we are going to drink spinach, but I assure you that in the end, we do not feel the taste at all. As they say, to try it is to adopt it! For my part, I’ve been drinking almost that for 3 days!
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