Cherry clafoutis


Easy and quick vegan cherry clafoutis recipe

Eat while cultivating….

According to a legend, the cherry would have appeared thanks to the birds, which during their migration would have spread the cherry stones throughout their crossing.
Another story tells of a famous Roman Licinius Lucullus who, during his campaigns, would have taken the opportunity to bring back to Italy this unusual fruit that they call “the red pearl”.
– Cherries: used to make the kirsch
– Les guignes: it is a hybrid cherry obtained thanks to the cherry tree and the cherry tree.
I drew inspiration for this recipe from perle en sucre, a wonderful person who offers breathtaking vegetable recipes!
It is very simple to make and you can easily keep the clafoutis for several days.
To make this recipe, you will need a hand blender, a whisk and one (or more) clafoutis mold.
Here is the recipe:
The cherry has been present on French tables since the Middle Ages, raw or cooked for dessert. This sweet, sweet fruit has always been loved and the fine wood of this tree is easy to work with.
There are hundreds of varieties of cherries that we can classify into several families:
– The bigarreaux: these are the ones we consume most often.
The etymology of the word “cerasus” is still uncertain. Some claim that the term comes from “karaza”, a Sanskrit term which means “What juice! What a flavor! “. According to some people, the word comes from the Greek ” cerasum ”, derived from“ cerax ”(the horn), referring to the cherry which has a hard flesh.
So far, let’s move on to the presentation of my 100% vegetable recipe for cherry clafoutis.

AuthorBeauty FoodDifficultyEasy

Portions2 servings
Preparation15 minsCooking45 minsTotal time1 hour
350 g cherries
10 cl vegetable cream – soy for us
60 g wheat flour
20 cl vegetable drink – almond for us
1 vanilla pod
4 case agave syrup
10 g margarine
1 pinch of salt
Icing sugar for presentation

Start by washing and pitting the cherries.


Preheat the oven to 180 °


Whisk together the milk, vegetable cream, agave syrup and vanilla bean.


Gradually add the flour and salt.


Mix with a hand blender to obtain a smooth paste.


Grease the bottom of the molds with the margarine and add a little powdered sugar to the bottom.


Line the bottom of the molds with the cherries and cover with the clafoutis dough.


Bake for 45 minutes minimum.


Monitor the cooking because depending on the oven it may be cooked before.


It’s ready when it starts to brown on top.


Let cool and sprinkle with icing sugar before tasting warm or cold.


Enjoy your meal !


350 g cherries
10 cl vegetable cream – soy for us
60 g wheat flour
20 cl vegetable drink – almond for us
1 vanilla pod
4 case agave syrup
10 g margarine
1 pinch of salt
Icing sugar for presentation



Start by washing and pitting the cherries.


Preheat the oven to 180 °


Whisk together the milk, vegetable cream, agave syrup and vanilla bean.


Gradually add the flour and salt.


Mix with a hand blender to obtain a smooth paste.


Grease the bottom of the molds with the margarine and add a little powdered sugar to the bottom.


Line the bottom of the molds with the cherries and cover with the clafoutis dough.


Bake for 45 minutes minimum.


Monitor the cooking because depending on the oven it may be cooked before.


It’s ready when it starts to brown on top.


Let cool and sprinkle with icing sugar before tasting warm or cold.


Enjoy your meal !

Ingredients Instructions

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